Monday, 17 October 2011

Day 2 Delhi to Kathmandu

Sat in sum back st cyber cafe with the worlds dodgest kboard. Ive been to sum dumps in my time and seen sum poverty stricken places but Kathmandu makes South Africas Townships and Cairos slums look like 5 star hotels and I am not exaguratting.
This place is pure mental with traffic and the stench and poverty is everywhere. As a for instance the internet here is 25 rupees per hour and this is an expensive one, there are 121 rupees to a pound.
Got a 4:15am rise thursday morning to fly upto the worlds most dodgey airport. Some bell boy was asking me for a tip in the hotel, he had 1 eye and that was a wonky one and stumps for legs. Anyway I thought he was asking me if I wanted a tea, so I said yeh cheers big fella i dont mind if I do, 2 sugars please and not much milk. I twigged when the whole place burst into hysterics.
Anyway Im off for a wander amongst all the beggers and poverty. Honestly makes you appreciate how lucky we all are when you experiance what Im seeing over here.
Earlier post below.
Had an un-eventful flight from heathrow to Delhi. Arrived delhi 1030am local time which is 6am uk time as 4 n half hours ahead here, no idea where the half hour comes into it from.
Hot like you would not believe here even in this plush airport terminal. Got a 3 hour wait here before connecting flight onto Kathmandu which is another 2 hour flight.
Tell you what theres a lot of Indians over here, bit like being back at honda down in the warehouse.


  1. go get em lad, me and tom sat looking at ya bog now,, dont buy a ruby of da ragheads, take msgt

  2. Just read your blog out to the kids. Well certainly sounds like your having a ball lol, enjoy the sunshine cause once you get onto that plane to lukla Thursday morning your gonna have to put your thermals on.

    Enjoy and stay safe. Miss you loads already xxxx
